Monday, November 8, 2010

Swiffer Duster

I enjoy these Swiffer commercials, actually, because of they're usage of awesome 80's songs.  And my gripe with this one is small, and I would like to thank my Sister Pam for her slight OCD/Purging methods for my train of thought on this one. Alright, so, again, nothing against the product itself, but my issue has to do with what this woman does with her old feather duster that she's 'never going to use again'....she goes up to her attic and puts it in a box. Okay. Back that truck up. If this item is something that you are never going to use again, why are you keeping it? I have seen enough episodes of Hoarders, and actually live 2 doors down from one and can see how detrimental this behaviour can be. Throw it in the garbage! Why are you keeping it? Is it a family heirloom? Are you going to pass this on to your kids??? I think not- toss it!!!! Do you keep things around, thinking that you'll 'use it someday'? And if so- I recommend you watch an episode of Hoarders....or come by for a visit and check out my neighbours' yard.


  1. i keep my duster in the attic too. just sayin.

  2. They didn't want to highlight the fact that they're providing a disposable product any more than they have to. Not only do you have to throw 3-4 sheets away when you do your floors, you throw this old crap away too!
